Monthly Archives: June 2012

97% of people lie 97% of the time

But 100% of landlords lie 100% of the time:

Leaking Water Pipe at 14731 Eagles Crossing Drive, Orlando, FL, Kevin MesserLIE: “That pipe isn’t leaking.”
TRUTH: It IS leaking but since landlord/owner doesn’t pay the water bill, landlord will lie about it to save his own penny or his five minutes of time to properly repair it. Not until pressed for months, costing me a lot of money on my water bill, would landlord admit that it was leaking and then made attempt to fix it.

LIE: “Somebody broke that.”
TRUTH: Landlord broke it but is too prideful and cowardly to admit it; plus, it’s easier just to blame tenant or a phantom repairman from six years ago. (Article forthcoming.)

LIE: “The refrigerator came with the house.”
TRUTH: See article: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Refrigerator

LIE: “I’ll replace the refrigerator with the same model.”
TRUTH: See article: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Refrigerator

LIE: “The washer’s only a few years old. It works great; you just have to jiggle it occasionally. It works best on permanent press cycle.”
TRUTH: The washer won’t spin or empty the water, even if you “jiggle” it constantly. And it only will wash occasionally on permanent press cycle, and not at all on any other cycle. Oh, and a “few years” translates from “lying-landlord-speak” to factual “discontinued about 15+ years ago.” (Article forthcoming.)

More to come — I can only withstand a rehash of all this negativity in small chunks. So why rehash it, you may ask? The next unsuspecting tenant, or heaven forbid, person looking to purchase this owner-created MONEY PIT needs to be aware of the lies and coverups from owner’s attempt to “FLIP THIS FLOP” because owner certainly will LIE about it before he opens his moth-infested coin purse to HIRE someone to fix it right.

And, apparently from all of the positive comments received regarding these articles, many people are well past being tired of the rampant lying that is considered normal operating practice in any level of business and personal relationship.

Too many people remain silent today, coerced by the tyrants to “just get along,” “don’t sweat the small stuff,” etc., while the tyrants take over.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. – Thomas Jefferson

“Tyranny comes in all forms. And it usually starts with a LIE.” – me

Dear Mr. Villa: How often should one water his house?

Kevin Messer watering his house, Eagles Crossing Drive, Kevin Messer, Orlando, FloridaAs long as tenant is paying for the water, take full advantage of them and water your house frequently at their expense, most especially when it is raining.

~ Only through humor shall I not cry again. ~

Hell’s Kitchen

Hell's Kitchen, 14731 Eagles Crossing Drive, Orlando, FloridaWhen we moved in, the kitchen was filthy. Of course, the refrigerator was a disaster, as already posted in the article “The Brotherhood of the Traveling Refrigerator.” Sides of cabinets were unsightly, with warping and peeling. The “pantry” doors were missing a knob, and they did not close without falling off the track. Every wire shelf was so caked with grimy dirt that they had to be violently scrubbed or replaced, along with replacing all of the broken wall fasteners.

Moving on to the kitchen sink, the faucet handle was just placed on top, not fastened. The owner had attempted all kinds of “plumbing” in the house, which caused leaks everywhere — under the kitchen sink, behind the refrigerator, along the dishwasher. As can be seen, there was so much leaking over the years that the fiberboard countertops were warped and flaking. Two of the cabinets in the kitchen could not be used — the warping was so bad that my bowls would just slide from the left or right down to the middle of the cabinet, and the smell of mold and mildew was onerous.

The bottom of the cabinets had make-shift boards that were crudely cut, and thus they were uneven. It can be seen that merely a squirt of glue was drawn across in a failed attempt to cover an unfinished and unsightly cabinet base; they were constantly falling off as seen here.

And don’t go under the kitchen sink!