Category Archives: Fence

Take the money and run

Viewing the lies landlord/owner posted online about the great amenities of this house in order to sell it, it is clear he has learned nothing from his deceit and is still deluded by his own greed. If any of these things are actually true would be miraculous.

Overuse of the word “custom” throughout the description is indicative of the simple fact that he most likely did the hackjob work himself — as he did in “replumbing” the place — which is why there was never any hot water in winter nor cold water in summer.

The fact is that as tenants we arranged and withstood the installation of the new air conditioning unit during a week in August of 2010,  when landlord/owner refused to have it done, even in February 2010 upon our advice that it would be less expensive.

The fact is that the installers noted the fire hazards in the attic due to landlord/owner’s faulty wiring near his plumbing handiwork.

The fact is that the new bath tubs, particularly the one in the smaller bathroom, was replaced while we were tenants as the old one was scratched to the point of being unusable. That installation entailed replacement by owner’s cohort in crime, someone who was inept at doing such work but who would do it for a bottle of vodka. His first attempt was merely a smathering of glaze to cover the scratches. The chemical odors filled the house for two weeks. When that did not work, owner’s friend installed a new tub improperly which resulted in a complete flooding of the nearby bedroom, requiring replacement of the carpet.

Owner took credit for appliances that we purchased when he went AWOL that five years.

The fact remains that he cannot look into his own reflection to know the horrible things he perpetrated on us as we withstood five years upgrading his appliances, withstanding his lies about the pool pump destruction by his own hand, my husband trimming trees and scaling the roof to clean gutters, without remuneration, done only in accordance with his promise that the house would be ours someday. No consideration, no remuneration for us trying to keep his dung heap from stinking up the neighborhood after he abandoned it for those years. Just lies, abuse, assault and theft of security deposit.

Hopefully, at least, he did some true, actual repairs by a PROFESSIONAL to this money pit before trying to unload it on an unsuspecting, gullible buyer.

Did owner reveal the fire hazard in the attic, pointed out by professional air conditioning installers?

Did owner reveal the fact that by his own hand the “custom” electrical work he did is faulty, with many outlets and light switches not grounded properly, as any professional electrician had told us when we were forced to have electrical work done on the property.

Did owner reveal that there was no insulation?

Did owner reveal the crack in the slab that he had told my husband about?

These are crimes he can live with apparently, in his signature take-the-money-and-run mode of operation without remorse or restitution.

It is clear that more than one life lesson for him will be necessary and is inevitable.

Use Money, Love People – Not Love Money, Use People

If this web presence prevented landlord/owner from abusing another person, taking advantage of another family while he chased money, then it served its purpose.

To Landlord/Owner – We saw you at Chick-fil-a recently. The terrible feelings that were stirred as we stood and watched you go from your cheep into the store cannot be described. With your hauling lumber for another hackjob project, we could only imagine the house cringing again when you pulled into the driveway that day.

Please don’t do what you did to us to any other.

Finally, ask yourself at least, at last:

“Do I own this property, or does this property own me”?

97% of people lie 97% of the time

But 100% of landlords lie 100% of the time:

Leaking Water Pipe at 14731 Eagles Crossing Drive, Orlando, FL, Kevin MesserLIE: “That pipe isn’t leaking.”
TRUTH: It IS leaking but since landlord/owner doesn’t pay the water bill, landlord will lie about it to save his own penny or his five minutes of time to properly repair it. Not until pressed for months, costing me a lot of money on my water bill, would landlord admit that it was leaking and then made attempt to fix it.

LIE: “Somebody broke that.”
TRUTH: Landlord broke it but is too prideful and cowardly to admit it; plus, it’s easier just to blame tenant or a phantom repairman from six years ago. (Article forthcoming.)

LIE: “The refrigerator came with the house.”
TRUTH: See article: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Refrigerator

LIE: “I’ll replace the refrigerator with the same model.”
TRUTH: See article: The Brotherhood of the Traveling Refrigerator

LIE: “The washer’s only a few years old. It works great; you just have to jiggle it occasionally. It works best on permanent press cycle.”
TRUTH: The washer won’t spin or empty the water, even if you “jiggle” it constantly. And it only will wash occasionally on permanent press cycle, and not at all on any other cycle. Oh, and a “few years” translates from “lying-landlord-speak” to factual “discontinued about 15+ years ago.” (Article forthcoming.)

More to come — I can only withstand a rehash of all this negativity in small chunks. So why rehash it, you may ask? The next unsuspecting tenant, or heaven forbid, person looking to purchase this owner-created MONEY PIT needs to be aware of the lies and coverups from owner’s attempt to “FLIP THIS FLOP” because owner certainly will LIE about it before he opens his moth-infested coin purse to HIRE someone to fix it right.

And, apparently from all of the positive comments received regarding these articles, many people are well past being tired of the rampant lying that is considered normal operating practice in any level of business and personal relationship.

Too many people remain silent today, coerced by the tyrants to “just get along,” “don’t sweat the small stuff,” etc., while the tyrants take over.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. – Thomas Jefferson

“Tyranny comes in all forms. And it usually starts with a LIE.” – me

Where’s Tom Sawyer when you need him

14731 Eagles Crossing Drive, Orlando, FloridaHurricane Katrina had greatly damaged the fence that offered privacy between the property we were renting and the property behind. After years of coaxing with owner, little did we know that when finally the fence would be removed that it would be several more years before landlord/owner would replace it. So here is a photograph of what we lived with interim to getting that new fence. After years of waiting, battling with owner, and my husband negotiating with neighbors on behalf of lazy landlord who clearly had zero negotiating skills, the new fence was finally in place.

Now the month-to-month battle to paint it. I offered on several instances to paint the fence as I had experience working on a farm in doing such work. Owner wanted it done for nothing apparently, because he repeatedly declined. Instead, he enlisted, or coerced, his inexperienced and indifferent twin to take a stab at it

What a disaster!

These represent just a small sampling of photographs of the slapdash hack job that was done by owner’s twin.

As with everything else over the years, owner knew it all, never taking one word of advice on how to do anything properly. In short, after nearly a year, the fence remains half-painted on one side, and not painted at all on the other. The one side that was attempted is so badly painted, a blind one-armed monkey would have done a finer job. I don’t know how the Hunters Creek Homeowners (or Homeogres, as many residents term it) Association allows this to slide so long, without fine or action.