
Why do this blog?

A five-year nightmare is coming to an end.  But the ramifications of what transpired over those years must be unveiled.  People are operating so far below standards of civil human behavior that much what is going on is simply accepted as the norm, as the way to do business.  The American business model has been strongly influenced by the deception, thievery and belligerence of corporate catastrophes such as Enron and Adelphia, seeping down to the lowest of those who venture into their own business — that of landlord.  Own a house?  Rent it — or abandon it — as this owner did.  Then neglect and ignore; badger and bully.

Too many people remain silent today, coerced by the tyrants to “just get along,” “don’t sweat the small stuff,” etc., while the tyrants take over.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent – Thomas Jefferson.

“Tyranny comes in all forms. And it usually starts with a LIE.” – me

This will endeavor to uncover the horrors of how one man, through his vigilant devotion only to coin, destroyed a family.