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December 7 — A date which will live in infamy

December 4, 2011: Landlord proffers a lease renewal at the end of the current lease arrangement of January 31, 2013. Tenant and her daughters are relieved and plan to put up a Christmas tree after all.

December 7, 2011: Landlord launches a sneak attack, and we are barraged with harassing telephone messages and bombed with threatening emails, rescinding lease renewal. Landlord’s axis of evil recruits current live-in woman as double-agent to provoke and agitate.

Landlord abuses tenants; tenant's stress causes hive breakout.Amid confusion, tenant’s husband aka daughters’ father, goes AWOL in cowardly retreat, leaving mother to assess damage, quell internal upheaval, attend to casualties, including, but not limited to, youngest daughter breaking into hives from emotional and cardiac distress.